Downtown Rotary Club of Houston


Camp Enterprise Committee

Camp Enterprise Committee

CAMP ENTERPRISE was initiated in 1986 by the Rotary Club of Houston as a means of providing a firsthand, practical introduction to the business world for selected high school juniors who have demonstrated leadership at their individual schools.

Through interaction with business executives and entrepreneurs, participating students are introduced to the challenges and opportunities of the free enterprise system. From successful business leaders, they learn the value of hard work and dedication; and learn, too, that they can be successful in whatever career they pursue if they apply the principles that many have learned from years of experience. Camp Enterprise provides outstanding speakers from the fields of manufacturing, engineering, health, communications, business services, and more. Topics may include management and employee relations, starting your own business, government relations, ethics, the role of business in society and the community, leadership and making successful connections with others to improve your future. Held in a true camp setting, Camp Enterprise is conducted at Camp Allen near Navasota, about 40 miles from Houston. The Rotary Club of Houston sponsors the students’ bus transportation, lodging, speakers and all meals and amenities. Counselor couples from the Rotary Club of Houston supervise and work as coaches to guide the students.

Virtual Tour of RI Headquarters

Virtual tour of Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Fall 2020.

Go Organics for Peace

Spencer Leung, 2013 peace fellow and founder of Go Organics, Ltd., talks about the organization’s mission to build peace by addressing income inequities through economic development.

Women Uplifting Women

Seven Women Centre is a nonprofit that offers fair-trade products and services. Stephanie Woollard, a member of the Rotary Club of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and a former Rotary Peace Fellow, started the organization in 2006 to empower marginalized women in Nepal.

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The Downtown Rotary Club of Houston, Inc.
9333 Memorial Drive,
Suite 301
Houston, Texas 77024-5737


Get Involved

The Downtown Rotary Club of Houston is a community of highly engaged leaders, committed to ever-increasing involvement and service to Rotary International and our own region. Club members share friendship and fellowship through service above self and provide extensive resources to fund community transformational programs and major long-term projects.